Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fast Forward

Oy to the Vey. This week is just taking forever and a day to end. Having that pseudo snowday yesterday threw me off majorly. It felt like a Friday. My roomies had the day off and at work people were dropping like flies (as in, leaving early, not passing out or anything... I see how that could be misleading). I was here until 5pm working my arse off slash hoarding my vacay hours. And, I'm glad I did because, as nice as it would've been to head home early, the sidewalks were way better than expected. It was no big deal getting home. Same commute, same crazy crazies on the bus.

The problem is that it is only Thursday. How is that even possible? I have an acute case of Cabin Fever. HELP! Does anyone know how to fast forward the work week and get to the weekend a little faster?

Speaking of fast forwarding... now that we're in this tapeless tech culture, with CDs on their way out, DVDs, Blue-Ray (whatever that is), iPod, MP3, iPad (don't see the appeal at all), and on and on, will the generation being raised right now even know what the terms "rewind" and "fast forward" mean? Do we fast forward on a disc or do we skip ahead? I'm not actually clear on that.

I no longer have a CD player, tape player, or VCR. It really is time to get those old home videos at my mom's house converted into a DVD or even into a file to place on my external hard drive.

I notice that friends are scanning high school and college photos into their computers and posting to FB on the daily. My photos are in a box and a couple of albums in my room. Where they will stay. Safe. I would ask these techie friends not to tag me if the pics are from my awkward years... maybe you looked great in high school and need to show those pics and relive the glory days... but me? not so much... my glory days are in the present tense. Have I ever told you about the little known fact that I didn't regularly dry and straighten my hair, wear "real" makeup, or learn to dress for my body type until my late 20s? Yeah, so those frump pics you are scanning would prob be better off rotting in your scrapbook instead of shown to the world. In my humble opinion. Wink.

I'm really jumping around from topic to topic in this post. I think that's what they call word salad. The Cabin Fever must be progressing to the next stage... please help me get through this week!

{This happens to be from one of my fave movies that I still own on VHS}


Amber said...

I love Muppet Treasure Island. I was thinking of their "Cabin Fever" just yesterday! I think winter brings that out...

JennyMac said...

HAHA..I loaded some crazy old pics of us from high school onto my nonblog FB account..and I also learned you can "untag" yourself in any pic you want. PERFECT.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to get the iPad!

Sarah Harkins said...

Oy to the Vey- that's going to be my new fav expression. Sometimes I wish I were Jewish!
Boy, I must be so little house on the prairie, but I still have and use a CD player (and I was just thinking I need another), don't have an ipod or mp3 player (can't stand having things in my ears) and we have tapes and VCR tapes! They are so cheap now! Somebody get me a time machine, I feel like I'm 50!

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

I was super duper awkward in high school, but luckily had no friends until college when I looked a lot better. I can only hope my Mom doesnt' take to scanning/posting pics on her FB (yes, she has a FB).

You know what else today's generation won't know about? Rotary phones. When was the last time you saw a rotary phone? They will never feel the pain of dialing a number with multiple 0's.Sad, really.

Liza said...

HAHA - U crazy Mia. U crazzzzy. I LOVE the Muppets.. but i dont think ANYONE loves them as much as YOU do.

ooo family movies.. ah the bremories.. for some reason I think we enjoy watching them much more than the random ppl we force to watch them with us ...

Uptown Girl said...

Amber- I think there are a multitude of situations that bring the song to mind!

JennyMac- UNTAG is my most used button of FB! But when a pic has already been tagged for a day or two before I get to it... yikes I don't even want to think about that.

Katy- you would...

Sarah- it's practically the 22nd century, I think you can skip DVDs and go straight to BlueRay. Or maybe I should give you my Muppet Treasure Island VHS.

Amanda- my mom is on FB now too! I don't think she'd have the patience to use a scanner *luckily*. Those rotary phones took me for-e-ver! Thank God for cell phones.

Liza- do I know you? I have no idea what you are talking about.

Ange said...

Totally agree with you. In hs I wore my hair in a ponytail or frizzy braids everyday because I hadn't quite learned what to do with my naturally afrolicious hair. Oh well, I enjoy that I look better now than before, I just hope I can continue on this trend, next stop a sense of style and better makeup haha.

rita said...

Hon, we just got a dvr in the fall. I feel so hip and with it.

No ipod for me, either, partially because I just don't buy anything that Apple makes (long bitter years of struggling with damn macs at school until I screamed for--and got--a pc) and because I can't stand headphones, or earphones, or whatever. I put my music on my blackberry and never. ever. listen to it.

As for FB--I have made my sisters SWEAR that they will NEVER teach Mom how to use it. Fortunately it seems to be a bit more than she wants to deal with. Joan WANTED her go get on there, but I stopped that notion really fast. It's bad enough that I told Mom about my blog and that she might read it occasionally (she pretends that she's forgotten the url, but I have StatCounter, tyvm), but if she saw what we talk about on fb, and with whom, she'd come apart. That's not something I want to subject my 78-year-old mom to. Or me.

I have no idea where my HS photos are, and I have no desire to see them on the internet. Ever so often we have to take Joan to task when she posts a photo that the rest of us would rather disappear forever.

And--this is so freaking cool--we have some fb friends from different countries, people I've "known" for five years, who were, shall we say, carrying on a little long-distance thing and last week got together irl for the first time and he's married and she's not but has kids and who do they think they're fooling? ON fb. Okay, so we're the only ones they actually skype, but God it's so much fun to watch.

Uptown Girl said...

Ange- AFROLICIOUS!?? you are killing me!

Rita- my mom has FB now and it isn't as awk as I expected... my mom is surpassing me in tech-savvyness I think. Unacceptable.