I just typed up a long elaborate post about the start of my Louisiana vacay with my college girls.
I'm way too frustrated with Blogger-Droid to type the whole priceless post.
Try to be satisfied with this photo and my vacay stats.
Vacay Stats:
11 college girlfriends.
4 of their husbands (one of whom us also a college friend is mine).
4 cabins which turned out to be posh beach houses that sit ON the water.
14 children under 4 years old.
Endless running, screaming, laughing, eating, and fun.
Happy Vacay Blogland! ttfn mi amor!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.4.7
I had to re-read.....
14 children under the age of 4?????
Oy - fricking - Vay!
It was nuts! And fun- I miss the kids a lot already!
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