Saturday, July 31, 2010
I'm IT
Well, Ann was tagged to answer some Qs and then she tagged yours truly. I'm copy/pasting her post so I can be as lazy as possible about this. Don't worry, I'll be sure to change the answers. Otherwise I could be arrested for plagiarism or something.
1) What's a perfect styling for you?
I have no idea. I do love wearing classics and anything reminiscent of Jackie O, so lets go with that.
2) For what do you spend most of your money?
Going out to eat. In fact I have another afternoon food-tour planned today. Planned to lighten my wallet I suppose.
3) What's your favorite song at this moment?
Ours by The Bravery... and countless others.
4) Which excellences do you think you have?
I don't understand this question. I'm excellent all around Don't you think? I know!
5) And What are your failings?
Failings? Really? I'm an Uptown Girl. If I had to choose something I'd say procrastination. Right now I'm supposed to be cleaning my apartment.
And now I tag these bloggers:
Liza (or any contributor) at Own It... duh
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Homeward Bound

I'm sitting at the airport waiting to board my flight to NY. And I'm sad.
By the end of a trip I'm usually ready to get home and get back to my peeps and my life. As much as I do def miss my bed and my besties back in the concrete jungle that I lovingly call home... I also already miss my besties that I just hugged, kissed, and honked goodbye.
And my lakehouse and Lake Ponchartrain. And my two two-year old boyfriends.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
My boyfriend...
Thursday, July 22, 2010
tech difficulty
bleh. I can't even edit my posts remotely... at all.
Please try to overlook and ignore my typos in vacay posts here on out.
and so it begins...

I just typed up a long elaborate post about the start of my Louisiana vacay with my college girls.
I'm way too frustrated with Blogger-Droid to type the whole priceless post.
Try to be satisfied with this photo and my vacay stats.
Vacay Stats:
11 college girlfriends.
4 of their husbands (one of whom us also a college friend is mine).
4 cabins which turned out to be posh beach houses that sit ON the water.
14 children under 4 years old.
Endless running, screaming, laughing, eating, and fun.
Happy Vacay Blogland! ttfn mi amor!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The update is that I'm on a dating hiatus. Partly by choice and partly by accepting the situation for what it is. Yes, I already updated this status, I suppose, when I told you I ended my online dating career. I was utterly fed up with online dating and frustrated by my own obsession with it. I mean... come on. Who wants to hear all that "why didn't he call?" and "maybe he'll call tonight" and "oh what a d-bag" all the time, over and over in your own head? Not me. It was at the point where I was annoying myself and, well, it was pretty annoying. Believe me.
And now, on my hiatus, I have a clear
My mancation* is all that it's cracked up to be. I know all the answers to all the silly little "He's Just Not That Into You" questions. The answer is.... NO. No he's no calling tonight. Read: I don't need to check my phone a zillion times and get disappointed a zillion times. It's freeing, chillaxing, and calmer.
Like this character, I'm repeating a mantra. "I'm not the exception, I'm the rule". As you would imagine, this mantra is quite convoluted for an Uptown Girl to wrap her brain around.

Do you see?? See what happens? Not 2 paragraphs ago, I was telling you how calm I am. And a moment later I'm already deciding what I need to work on and tell myself and how to behave so these men (who, I can readily admit, are the biggest idiots and douches out there) will like me! This is problem. I don't want to have to play some stupid manipulative game.
I need this mancation. A well deserved break from acting "approachable yet aloof". That's hard work. I want to just let my hair down. Or, more like, put it in a ponytail. I want to be myself and hang with the people who can see and love that self. And that is all.
For now.
*according to the world wide web, mancation is a vacay for men. according to me, it is a vacay from them.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The Lady in Spain
I adore Ingrid Michaelson. Spain winning La Copa del Mundo is as good an excuse as any to play this delightful song.
I can be
anything that I see
I can be anything that I
anything that I see...
I'm sure these lyrics are all the rage in Spain as they revel in their World Cup gana. No doubt.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
anticipation kills

Monday, July 5, 2010
For Vienna
In light of that fuzzy fact, I would like to share my most fave bad-break-up song ever. EVER. It is my freedom song and I'm lending it to Vienna for now.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Beach bum