In two short weeks I'm leaving on a jet-plane on vacay! My college girlfriends and I have been planning a mini-reunion for over a year now. We're all heading down to a lake in Louisiana where we've rented out cabins.
Camping, if you will.
My version of camping includes beds, running water, a roof, electricity, loads of bug spray, and a kitchen. So Parent Trap-esque. Obvi. I am interested in attempting that other kind of camping I've heard so much about. Someday.

The point is, I'm uber excited to see so many besties that I haven't seen in ages & years. You know the kind of friends that last a lifetime? When you see each other it's like no time has passed and you can pick up right where you left off? Yeah, that's what it's like when I see these girls. We all lead busy lives in various cities and states and we don't talk as often as we used to. I haven't even met most of the kids that will be there and barely know the husbands. We keep in touch via Facebook photos, mass emails, and an occasional phone call or text. I know if I update my profile pic, I'll get comments from my girls. And when one of them gets a haircut with bangs... I'm all over that.

I really can't wait for my Louisiana vacay - in the sweltering heat, with insects galore, and oil already in our lake - because it's basically bound to be sensational.
Find an oil bubble and save it as a momento!
have fun
Yeah! It should be fun!! Still not sure if I'll be making any last minute appeareances-but after whats gone on this last week I'm guessing not :( So sad. Next year on the East Coast!!
M-Cat- I think I will!
Laura- what's happening this week?? I'm checking FB straight away.
I also hope there is a/c. lets be real.
Laura- I'm SOOOOO SUPER EXCITED that you can make it! I reeeeeally need there to be AC. otherwise we might melt. lets be real.
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