Have you ever had a secret admirer? Let me tell you what it's like.
Except for the part that my secret admirer is not a secret. But oh well, it's kind of like the same thing.
When I woke up this morning,
on my day off, there was an envelope stuck under the front door. Inside was a folded up note that reads:
Subj: "Unorthodox"
To: The Brunette, who has a roundish cute face, who I think lives here
From: Tall Indian guy who has seen you in the building and in the elevator occasionally. Unfortunately, you're never alone - so I couldn't introduce myself.
If you'd like to grab coffee or a drink sometime - please call or text.
-Tall Indian guy (212-Admirer)
[Name and phone number changed to protect my admirer]---------------------
And there you have it folks.
Confusingly enough, there are two brunettes in my apartment. I mean,
Liza is a Blondie, so we can safely rule her out (barring red-green color blindness). But,
Lovey is a "brunette who has a roundish cute face". Super cute in fact.
However, Lovey has no frame of reference for a "Tall Indian guy" in the building. And I think I know exactly who it is. I often see a "Tall Indian guy" in the elevator. And he's pretty good looking.
My roomies thought this was a very romantic gesture, while my immediate reaction is
stalker. A romantic stalker, if you will. How does he know where I live? Did he follow me? Did he leave the same note under every door in the hallway?

I looked through the peep-hole and there was no stalker standing by, and this is just one note. So instead of jumping to extremes, I'm going to officially dub this "Tall Indian guy" an
admirer rather than jump to stalker. For now.
Now then. What is your initial reaction? I'm def gonna ask my guy-friends for their reactions. Future-Brother-in-Law, what do you think? Tell me everything.
I'm considering calling the number and going for coffee. What would you do? Any advice for this Uptown Girl?