Hold on for one more day.
[warning: if you have to work this weekend,
please consult your doctor before reading this post]
One more day til freedom & relaxation station. To be honest, I have a lot on my plate this
wknd: a lot of fun.
Saturday I'm going running and I'm gonna volunteer for the coolest organization. It's only my second time lending a hand for this group, so I want to make sure I have staying power before I tell you all about what I'm up to, brag about how giving and wonderful I am, and make you jealous. It's very thoughtful of me while cryptic and exciting at the same time, right? I know.
Anywho, back to my freedom plan. Saturday night I have two - count them 2 -
bday parties to attend. It can be a little awkward for someone like me to
attend a party for which I am not the guest of honor. I try to look at it like this: at least I can celebrate someone
else's aging process rather than my own. I'll drink to that.
Then on Sunday, I'll go to church and then on a food tour of NYC. What better way to celebrate the Lord's Day than via my taste buds? My friend and I still need to map out our route to fatty heaven, but let's just say that I'm dreaming in butter and chocolate. [aside: chocolate can help prevent strokes ... I read that in
Redbook so it has to be true.]
In closing, I'd like to quote another great song that was most likely referring to Friday...
Friday, you make me feel like a natural woman.