I even ran at a faster pace than I expected. Less than 11 minute miles. Yes, this is fast for me! Most runners would say this is pretty slow, but for me it is an improvement.
As I ran I thought about all that stuff I said in my last post and I was so grateful for the ability to move and run and enjoy it all. I also thought about the finish line and my peeps waiting there and cheering me on (thanks peeps). My mom even came into the city and surprised me by coming to my race! It was a very sacot moment and I had a wonderful day riding that high I always get after races.
This 10K was my running goal for the entire year. A milestone. I did it and I'm super excited and proud of myself (as always, wink wink). It was pure raw ownage.
Thanks again for all of your encouragement and love. In return I would like to encourage you:

Also, when my lovely Mom figures out how to download from a digital camera and emails me a picture (she took about 200 - true story) I promise to post an uber sweaty and gross shot of me after the race... you're welcome ahead of time.
Way to go Uptown Girl. We are so proud of you and can't wait to hear about your next running goal!!!
Congrats, UG!
(BTW, commenting from my wonderful iPad!)
Well done and congratulations! A race always helps the ole self motivation and keeps you going for awhile. Sign up for another while the high is still there!!
Nice work! I'm so proud of you! :-)
Thanks everyone! I'm running a shorter race this wknd, but maybe I should sign up for another 10K to train for... good idea!
good for you!
...and I love that little card, ha! kinda like me putting my gym clothes on...more likely i will actually get there in the morning!!
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