I just saw one of the doctors in the hallway and attempted to give him a message. He asked me "do you have something wrong with your voice?"... since I was basically whispering. I told him I have laryngitis and the doctor replied, "oh ok, cuz I thought you were worried about people snooping". In a medical practice everything goes back to HIPAA. Always.
Most everyone at work that finds out about my disappearing voice has said, "oh, were you doing something fun this weekend?" To which I respond by whispering, "yes, but nothing that would make me lose my voice". I mean, what fun activity would make me go hoarse? A heavy metal concert? This isn't the early '90s. I have yet to think of any other fun voice losing activities but maybe I'm just lacking creative juices today. Studies show that creativity and voice are linked traits 83% of the time. I just made that up to show I have mad creative skills even on an off day.
I lose my voice all the time. It's weird. My kids love it. :)
Alice, I was literally laughing out loud when I read your comment - in my strange hoarse ways.
That is horrible yet fantastic at the same time...getting work done and bossing people around-fantastic.
Having a doctor ask you if you worried about people snooping?-oh dear.
I feel like you are a good cup of coffee to read. Daily reality good for the soul..
Anna- what a sweet thing to say! You just totally made my day :) Compliments and food are def the way to my heart.
that's funny! well, your post is...the fact that you can't talk is not!
Hope you are better soon...lot's of Hot tea!!!
Just started following your blog and I love it already! Glad to hear you're feeling better. Ever since my freshman year of college (I'm 25 now), I lose my voice when I'm sick. It's painful, but coming into the office with no voice is practically the most fun thing ever. No one can bug you, you can't talk on the phone, and it's peaceful!
Ali- welcome uptown! I'm going to check you out now...
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