Anyway, like I said, today I was running late and this translates into: I didn't have time to stop and get coffee. Sad, I know. I thought I would get into work, swipe in, and go back out for my beverage... but it didn't happen like that.
Now, I know you are wondering, "what in the heck does this have to do with the Food Tour?". And I am wondering why you are so impatient sometimes. Alas, it is all connected little one.
Having missed my morning coffee today, I'm living on the memory of The-Best-Coffee-of-My-Life that I sipped slowly on Sunday during the Food Tour (see: connection made).
On Sunday afternoon I left the comfort of my home, the Upper Eastside, and trekked all the way to the Lower East Side (LES) with my friend David (the group grew to 4 ppl by the end bc it was so irresistible... keep reading). We embarked upon an adventure: our very own food tour. First stop on our personal Food Tour was a place called Cocoa, on Clinton Street just south of Houston. I had a Chocolatte. I think it was actually pure cocoa that was added to my latte because it had a bitter taste. I know that sounds ick, but let me tell you, it was amazing. A-ma-zing. The memory of my Chocolatte is carrying me thru this coffee-less Tuesday. Literally. Carrying me.

We then went to a place nearby for thin-crust pizza. As I am a Pizza-Snob, I will not even bother describing said pizza. It isn't worth my time. Or yours. I must say that the place had a cool ambiance and fireplace tho. That does count for something, right?
Next we headed to the coveted Clinton Street Baking Company for their pancakes and huevos rancheros. Yum. The pancakes were fluffy, light, filled with and topped with blueberries. I give them an A- on my pancake grading scale. The parts of the huevos rancheros that I tasted were delish. However, I only had a couple bites since I have a diagnosed fear and aversion to runny yolks. It's a thing.

What could we do next but head next door for creme brulee at Dessert Truck Works? If I start thinking about the rich, creamy, sweet, cute, and custardy creme brulee right now I will start to drool on my desk. Since the desk is covered in paperwork I should be doing, this must be avoided and I need to go eat either my arm or some lunch.

Next time we are taking the Food Tour on the road. That's right, we'll be taking the crosstown bus and checking out some Upper Westside eateries. Any suggestions or faves? We'll prob focus on more salty than sweet next time. Just to be fair.
I'm reading this at lunch time, and am STARVING. What I wouldnt do for some creme brulee right now
Thanks for stopping by yesterday.
Those pancakes look divine! Enjoyed this post, even though it made me hungry!
i would like a desert truck parked in front of my apt. and work. really parked in front of wherever i am at all times..
1) Never start a work morning off without coffee. Bad idea.
2) Your food tour looks ridiculous! My former coworkers and I chased that Dessert Truck around the city for a good few months last summer. And I'm terribly craving pancakes right now!
Oh. My. God. Those pancakes. And everything pretty much makes me puke lately, so me saying those pancakes look good is saying A LOT.
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