Dressed all in black. Black eye makeup. Black(gray?) lips.
It was a revival of my costume from 8th grade. Obvi.
At the age of 13, I went as a shadow and my brother was "The Crow". I was a little more creative the first time: actual black lipstick and black spray for my hair. In reality my Crow-bro and I had the same exact costume. He didn't even carry a crow. Lamespice. Oh middle school Halloween costumes... slash revivals of the same bad costumes... sigh.

Shadow. That's a good one.
I went as......um......I suck. I have no life. I didn't have any costume.
I like your shadow idea...very clever and pretty adaptable for walking around NYC, I imagine. I am sure you had your stalkers on the run for at least a night, blending in with the real shadows.
I'm digging that gladiator costume. Or maybe he was just a guy you met on the subway? Wait, you're in NY, not SF.
Never mind.
Shadow? Very smart. I've heard being a two-dimensional phenomenon is very slimming!
wow so at least my costume was a virtual success (even if not so much in reality)!
That gladiator guy is my friend's bf. She was Cleopatra and he surprised ehr by dressing up as Mark Anthony. Sooo sweet!!
ok and I should add that Cleopatra is not pictured here, lest you get reeeaally confused.
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