I prepared a Thanksgiving treat for all of you turkey, tofurkey, and turducken eaters. Be grateful for those crazy relatives, friends, and guests. And most of all, be grateful that I figured out how to post ahead of time. As you know, by the time you are reading this, I'll be en route to India.
Here is a little tryptophan-free taste of my Thanksgiving.

Flying around the world.
Thanking God for His Creation. And for every inch of leg room.
"Uptown Girl Goes to India" is a huge event you know. I'm kind of a big deal.
Visiting Indians for Thanksgiving. How PC is that?

Happy Thanksgiving from my cozy little economy seat. As I look down on the world today I'll say a prayer of thanksgiving for all my blogging buddies. That means you.
Uptown Girl
I hope you have a wonderful time!
I love this post, and you! Have a safe trip, can't wait to hear ALL about it. xoxo
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