the water- my god I would just run back in forth for five mins under the spout til I felt clean enough to go to work. basically cold water scares me- and in a city where its never cold- how the hell did that even happen!
I showered in a different bathroom my last day- his is the only one without a water heater!
Great photo of you and the Taj (which, by the way, for some odd reason is the name of this high school's yearbook). And I'm glad that your brother is returning home on your birthday. What a considerate guy!
I like the idea of loaning $20 to help someone get her start in business. If I ever have $20 again, I'll do it.
Sahil/Maria - yeah, I didn't realize that the other bathroom had a water heater until Sahil pointed it out (2 weeks before moving out). But I like to think I built a lot of character or something having showered in cold water for 18 months.
30 flirty and thriving in the city that never sleeps. I happen to sleep a lot and eat more. I'm not the typical uptown girl, but I do live uptown, and I am a girl. Hello.
I can’t stand cheap people. It makes me real mad when someone says something like, “Hey, when are you going to pay me that $100 you owe me?” or “Do you have that $50 you borrowed?” Man, quit being so cheap! -Jack Handy
can you really even try to compete with elegance- I stayed there on a couch and in a five star and I couldnt tell the difference
Cute tunic!
Great picture of you! Did your brother go to Steubie too? What's he doing in India?
Sahil- how do you feel about the water temperature?
Amber- thanks, I know :)
Colleen- yep, he is pretty much featured in every alumni publication... and yet they never feature me. the nerve! I'll do a post about your 2nd Q.
the water- my god
I would just run back in forth for five mins under the spout til I felt clean enough to go to work. basically cold water scares me- and in a city where its never cold- how the hell did that even happen!
I showered in a different bathroom my last day- his is the only one without a water heater!
Great photo of you and the Taj (which, by the way, for some odd reason is the name of this high school's yearbook). And I'm glad that your brother is returning home on your birthday. What a considerate guy!
I like the idea of loaning $20 to help someone get her start in business. If I ever have $20 again, I'll do it.
Sahil/Maria - yeah, I didn't realize that the other bathroom had a water heater until Sahil pointed it out (2 weeks before moving out). But I like to think I built a lot of character or something having showered in cold water for 18 months.
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