I always love a good quiz. Magazine quizzes, internet quizzes, Facebook quizzes, quizzes galore. I even used to look forward to tests and exams in college. Exam season... now that is my idea of a good time. But I digress.
With the help of a friend (let's call her "Liza") I made a quiz for blogging fun!
Rules: Pick the letter that matches your answer (you know, multiple choice), and feel free to expand on your choices in proper MLA essay format. jk jk you won't be graded or judged on your format. You will be judged on your answers and your wit. Be fierce.
Question 1: What is the most bestest reality tv show?
a- Real Housewives of NYC
b- Millionaire Matchmaker
c- American Idol
d- Project Runway
e- Biggest Loser

Question 2: What is your favorite group of housewives?
a- Orange County
b- NYC
c- Atlanta
d- NJ
e- Desperate

Question 3: When, in your opinion, should you have a first kiss?
a- ASAP, first date lip locking
b- 2nd date smooching
c- After 2-3 weeks, tonsil hockey is the name of the game
d- When you are official, you feel makey outey when you know you are the only one
e- At your wedding... or on the wedding night

Question 4: Who do you stalk the most on Facebook?
a- Uptown Girl, my favorite bloggity blogger
b- The EX
c- A crush. Someone who you adore but doesn't know you exist
d- Your significant other OR your BFF
e- Someone who intimidated you a lot in high school, but now he/she is so lamespice that you get high off of looking at his/her pics. What?

Question 5: How would you describe this blog?
a- Addicting
b- Witty slash hilario
c- Dull
d- Whimsical, it brightens my day
e- Boring and bleh blah bleh

Ok, thats all folks! All my genius. All my love. All Liza's smarty-pants ideas. Sharing is caring!
Oh, and before I forget... I should tell you that I am quite progressive and open-minded. That said, feel free to add 'f- other' and fill in your answer to any of the above!
Go do it to it.
Question 1: What is the most bestest reality tv show? hmm I am torn bc i love them all!
Question 2: What is your favorite group of housewives? NYC ALL THE WAY!!
Question 3: When, in your opinion, should you have a first kiss? tough question, bc it depends on the ppl, the ages, the situation etc ... but lemme think...umm in YOUR case.. 2nd Date! :D
Question 4: Who do you stalk the most on Facebook? Other: evvvveryone :)
Question 5: How would you describe this blog? Witty slash hilario!!!
Hi! I found your blog through Laura's. I believe we went to the same college - you definitely look familiar, and your blog is really fun!!
Colleen- welcome! I'm glad you have your passport to come uptown! ***uptown stamp***
Please participate in the quiz so we can get to know you better! (and yes i think we did go to the same school, even at the same time maybe?)
My turn:
1: a-Millionaire Matchmaker (although i heart them all other than biggest loser).
2: b-real housewives of NYC (obvi...)
3: b or c or a or d. whenever you feel makey outey. Just not e.
4: e- but a variation of that. sorta kinda.
5: a- addicting.
1. C- American Idol all the way although I do enjoy The real Housewives
2. B- NYC the others scare me especially NJ i think they r in the mafia
3. B-(sorry Maria i guess i don't get the $1000
4. Don't have one but i would say A of course
5. A B and D :)
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