"It's celebrity look alike week. Make your profile pic a celebrity you have been told you look like............Copy and paste in your status message."
Tech, I didn't paste the message in my status. I can't be bothered to update FB statii and blogstalk you all in one day. I did change my pic though because A: it's fun and B: it's easy.
This is the pic I posted. Ginnifer Goodwin is my latest look alike. The more I see her face as my profile picture the more I feel like I'm looking in the mirror.

It makes me wonder, do we all have look alikes running around out there? How many? Is there a celeb that people say looks like you? Or a random really really good-looking person?
I've gotten Ginnifer Goodwin, Reese Witherspoon, Belinda Carlisle, and Jennifer Hudson. I mean Jennifer Garner, not Hudson, oops. Now that would be quite the Doppelganger wouldn't it?
In honor of Celebrity Look Alike Week on FB, I took the game face-to-face and told someone I met at work that he looks just like Ralph Macchio. Apparently he gets that all the time. With hair as voluminous as Ralph Macchio I couldn't help but wonder... "I wonder if I can get away with running my fingers thru this dude's hair right now (in the office) even though we just met?". Yes, I think with parentheses, thank you for noticing my punctuation.
And for the record, I mustered all my strength and refrained from pretending this man was Ralph Macchio and touching his beautiful locks. I'm uber proud. Yet, sort of regretful. Just saying.
From what I can tell you def look like her, which is a good thing, cuz she's totally cute.
I always get Winona Ryder, and I'll take it. She's adorable as well. I don't steal things though.
love me some Ginnifer Goodwin...but then again I LOVE Big Love..so that could be a Huge reason!!! =)
You definitely look like her, from what I can tell. No one has ever told me I look like anyone else, famous or not. I guess I'm just my own brand of odd-looking. Oh, and by the way, pigeon-watching is highly over-rated. I definitely can't appreciate those annoying birds.
I got 85% Gerrard Depardieu and 15% Cousin It. So now I hate Facebook.
Cathy- feel free to compliment me anytime. I'll be here all week. I can totes see the Winona Ryder, that's a good one!
Kado- welcome uptown!! Ginnifer is def the cutest wife on that show. and i love her in "He's Just Not That Into You".
Amber and DeNae- why don't you each pick a supermodel? I'm happy to assign: Heidi Klum (ok so she's blond, deal with it) and Cindy Crawford. Done.
i first chose Natalie Portman as my doppelganger. She is my same size and everything. BUT then everyone told me that I in fact look most like Marion Cotillard. I wanted to run and scream and jump because she's gooooooooorgeous and french and fabulous.
and OMG! you linked my etsy to your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I def. think Ginnifer Goodwin! She's so pretty and fabulous-just like you lady!
Have you seen her in Big Love? She's pretty hilarious too!
I would have totally touched his hair and then when he turned around looked at the person standing next to me like, "Why did you just touch that man." so I didn't get caught.
I didn't do the celebrity look alike thing. I'm too lazy. The only celebrity that I've ever been compared to is Sandra Bullock. Sadly I think she's aging much better than I am.
Ann- obvi I linked your etsy store. your headbands are gorgeous- like you and your look alikes!
JennyMay- I've seen it a couple times and she was always my fave. who is your body double? I'm checking u on FB.
Bethany- welcome Uptown! Sandra Bullock is a great one. I <3 her look (cute AND normal). and I'm totally trying that hair touch technique next time I see this guy. It's for the blog, so rly I have no choice.
oh my gosh that IS your look-alike! She is gorgeous and talented so thats all good. I have gotten sooo many weird and random look-alike comments over the years that I couldn't decide and let it be...oh well.
I couldn't think of one at all. I just asked my hubby and he said NOBODY, so I guess I'm out of luck.
You do look like Ginnifer Goodwin! I totally see it.
There is a kid on my hubby's basketball team and I think he looks like Harry Potter. In fact, I call him "that harry potter looking kid" and then Hubby suggested Daniel Ratcliffe's pic as his celeb look alike. Not sure how he took it..ha!
Anna- do share, what weird comments have you gotten??
Amanda- go with Heidi Klum! She is blonde and beautiful, so you're all set :) I swear if I were blonde I would start a rumor that she's my doppelganger. And ummm, that HP look-alike cracks me up. The kid prob went home and cried!
I totally tried to do the doppelganger thingie and instead got a virus on the 'puter.
Maybe that's a whole blot post in itself
I didn't pick one, I don't think I look like any celebs!?
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