I'm newly obsessed with almonds and gearing up to try them covered in chocolate or toffee or something sweet. I don't think I ever tried them before because I avoid most nuts as a rule (except peanuts). I now understand the name of that candy bar because I am living Almond Joy.

My co-worker says that eating almonds helps with weight-loss. I'm so ready to test this theory starting.... now.
I avoided most nuts except peanuts for the longest time. Why? Who freakin knows. But I can tell you chocolate covered almonds and cashews are delicious. And yes, I think almonds are supposed to be good for lots of things health-related.
UG- For the record, chocolate and toffee covered almonds are not the ones that help with weight loss! That is one thing that I've learned over the last few months and thought I'd pass on that unfortunate fact :) Love you!!!
Try the Almond Snickers... It won't help with losing poundage, but man, it's even better than the original!
back a few years ago i tried the eating regimen of having a small snack/meal every three hours (sometimes 4) with a healthy lunch, brkfst and dinner in between. and part of that included a handful of say 12 - 15 raw almonds and say carrot sticks or an apple, and did this routine every day and i did lose about 25 lbs that summer and felt healthier. i may try that again. so almonds are a good food to eat which support weight loss, are high in proteins and promote healthy omega-3's...which are great for your heart...that is city john's tip of the day 4 ya...
Chop up a few, toast 'em, and toss 'em onto your salad. Yummy McYumster!
Dr. Oz recommends almonds/nuts... 'nuff said!
WELL i have the toasted ones, in a can. they're like crack. and the cocoa covered ones are in a green container in the snack aisle. those will cut a choco craving like none other.
green tea also helps weight loss, not that you need it.
I hear that almonds give you all kinds of energy in the afternoons (and I gathered that info from the Emerald Nuts commercials, so you know it's legit). But normally ...I'm not a fan! Although covered in chocolate might be alright..
UPDATE: I've decided not to try the chocolate ones (unless I find cocoa and that I would HAVE to taste) because I want to keep almonds as a healthy choice instead of making them into a dessert.
Thanks for all your comments and encouragement with my new obsession/addiction!
I'm so proud... I do suggest dry roasted over raw though. Personal preference, maybe, but they're just better :)
LOVE almonds. I always have. And when I was in high school I weighed only 105 pounds even though I'm technically in the freaky-giant height zone. I'll let that sink in for a bit. Not pretty.
That said....i still love almonds and eat them every night as a snack. I prefer them raw, in big bags from Costco, because then my husband will buy them when he does his grazing (yes, you can indeed fill up on their samples).
Almonds are supposed to have tryptophan or some such in them, and I need all the help I can to get to sleep. Chocolate is counter-productive to sleeping since it has caffeine in it, so that's out. Except when I need chocolate.
As you might imagine, between the nuts, chocolate, and red wine, I'm not as thin as I used to be.
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