I did it. I went to the salon after work on Friday with my friend (and roomie) Lovey.
I told Petra, my hairdresser to the stars, to do whatever she wanted. All I knew was that I wanted my greys to go away, to a land far far away to live greyly ever after.
Petra suggested red highlights throughout my hair. I heart red hair in general. On men. On women. Ask anyone. But maybe not on me?
So I gave her the go-ahead and this is the result:

I'm not in love with it. And my greys are still naked. And more noticeable than before. What now? Don't worry because I'm going back next week to try to get them camouflaged. You know it. Also, it was so $$ that I just got the color done and skipped the haircut. Obvi.
I'm still trying to give the color time to grow on me and I'm already up to the "sort of like it" level. But, in the meantime I'm a little out of it and not feeling 100% like blogging. It is making me wonder if this is simply a brunette blog?
I know I should own it, but I'm not. Feel free to call seCURity on me. I deserve it. I'm a complicated order.
I think your hair looks really good! I like the red. Are you going to color over it next week???
i love the color!
but i wonder... did she do a good job? i mean.. if grays are still showing??? that's odd... isn't' it? was it just a glaze?
Thanks guys! I think I'm gonna stick with the color for now, but def get the greys fixed.
Yeah, I don't know much about hair-dye but I usually think my hairdresser is amazing and I know she was trying to cover those greys so I don't know what happened!? Maybe they are just stubborn... maybe that's where I get it from.
I'm biased cause I'm a dark haired girl...but I do like it. Grey's are hella stubborn...from what I hear of course cause I don't have any yet...haha! Yeah right...I color mine so often that I don't even give those suckahs a chance!
Now I'm babbling...I like the new do! I do, I do!
sooo jealous of you! I am obsessed with red hair. You rock it beautifully though! I LOVE your hair. Keep it! Keep it! Keep it!
Mia, you are so gorge!! I love it!!
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