Yes, this is my second post of the day. thank you for noticing. I'm making up for my lack of blogging all in one day. And work isn't uber busy today. *yay*
Ok so first check a blog about a girl named buttons, one of my new finds. You will see her post about Hipster Bingo. She made it a challenge. She-CHALLENGED-me. Just like Bill Cosby as Mr. Huxtible, I cannot refuse a challonge.

Yes, I printed out a bingo board. Brought it to the Astoria Beergardens on Friday. I was there with my crew playing games, drinking Pilsner, catching up on the dirt, and of course people watching. Since I only printed 1 board we made it a team effort.
The lighting in this pic is pretty bad, but you can see me, in Astoria Queens (yes, I left the UpperEastside a lot this wknd actually, sigh), with the Hipster Bingo completed gameboard, and in the other hand is some moneys I won from Texas Hold'em.

So, now I'm challenging you. Play it and report back.
omg! I LOVE that you played this!!!!!
one of my hipster friends said to me "um.. that's like a hipster game board from 2007"
um.. and that is why he's a hipster....
oh crap. i'm signed in as work. haha.. this is me, bekah buttons
true true, your hipster friend is quite right. I'm obvi not a hipster, but I do know that the ski vest thing is played out. We made it seasonal by replacing the sweater with "too small pants on a guy".
I'm def printing out another one to play again soon.
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