Tuesday, July 7, 2009

back for seconds

Yes, this is my second post of the day. thank you for noticing. I'm making up for my lack of blogging all in one day. And work isn't uber busy today. *yay*

Ok so first check a blog about a girl named buttons, one of my new finds. You will see her post about Hipster Bingo. She made it a challenge. She-CHALLENGED-me. Just like Bill Cosby as Mr. Huxtible, I cannot refuse a challonge.

Yes, I printed out a bingo board. Brought it to the Astoria Beergardens on Friday. I was there with my crew playing games, drinking Pilsner, catching up on the dirt, and of course people watching. Since I only printed 1 board we made it a team effort.
The lighting in this pic is pretty bad, but you can see me, in Astoria Queens (yes, I left the UpperEastside a lot this wknd actually, sigh), with the Hipster Bingo completed gameboard, and in the other hand is some moneys I won from Texas Hold'em.

So, now I'm challenging you. Play it and report back.


Spring Dance said...

omg! I LOVE that you played this!!!!!
one of my hipster friends said to me "um.. that's like a hipster game board from 2007"

um.. and that is why he's a hipster....

Spring Dance said...

oh crap. i'm signed in as work. haha.. this is me, bekah buttons

Uptown Girl said...

true true, your hipster friend is quite right. I'm obvi not a hipster, but I do know that the ski vest thing is played out. We made it seasonal by replacing the sweater with "too small pants on a guy".

I'm def printing out another one to play again soon.