What?! You like to think I'm brave and bold and a risk-taking Queen of NYC?? Sadly, I'm not as brave as you think. I've been really proud of my prowess in the last year. Trying new things from sports like ping-pong and mattress-riding to attending parties in Brooklyn. Tasting new foods like dark chocolate chipotle hazelnuts and new beers like Shock Top (which I recommend). I even branched out from minimal blog-lurking and random commenting on my sister-in-law's blog to writing and then starting my own adorable blogizzle. My fearless adventurer mentality has served me well. I even now own and wear skinny jeans, and I went from long to short hair. I mean, obvi I've been delving into new territory. New, bold, beautiful, and exciting. Who am I?? Uptown Girl. Thank you for asking.
coming to a crashing halt. stop... stop... STOP!
The one thing that I'm deathly afraid of is hair dye. serio??? I mean I tell myself all the logical logic there is: hair is an accessory. dye will not last forever. most women dye their hair and it ain't no thang. ain't no thang but a chicken wing. I'm 28, no fear. You are only young once. Not to mention- Claire Danes. I would've died to have dyed at the age of 13, 14, or 15 yrs old. I wanted to look exactly like Claire Danes on "My So-Called Life". It was k-i-l-l-i-n-g me that my mean mom wouldn't let me dye my hair! The rule was that at 18 yrs old I could dye my hair, get a tattoo, or more piercings. But. not. until. 18. 18. 18. I thought I was so deprived.

How was Jared Leto supposed to find me and fall in love with me unless I had maroon hair?? HOW?!

By the time I turned 18 I did get a piercing in my cartilage that lasted 6 months, but no hair dye, and the tattoo? Well, you will have to guess.
So, here I am. 28 years old. Grey hairs. Annoying obnoxious rood grey hairs that just drive me insane for about 5 minutes on the daily. I want them gone but I a scaredy cat about the process!
And, I asked you to give me your opinion. You voted. The results are in. And I'm a bit paralyzed.
Calling Petra now for an appt.
I will probably have grays at 25...my mom did. Sigh...
I've been dying my hair since freshmen year of college....it sucks! But by all means-go for it :)
I totally rebelled against Mom's 18 years old rule.. i just went ahead and died it... Just OWN it.. i was scared about ur hair cut.. and look how well THAT turned out! :P I will be here to deep condition your hair when it starts breaking.
I made an appointment with Petra for next Friday afternoon (7/17)!!! Nervous but excited. My public has spoken and I AM DYING IT.
You're beautiful just the way you are.
Roses are
Because they were made that way.
Notice not
What others have, but are.
And sweetly
Pretty they live.
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