Wednesday, July 8, 2009

the votes are in. all in.

I'm scared.

What?! You like to think I'm brave and bold and a risk-taking Queen of NYC?? Sadly, I'm not as brave as you think. I've been really proud of my prowess in the last year. Trying new things from sports like ping-pong and mattress-riding to attending parties in Brooklyn. Tasting new foods like dark chocolate chipotle hazelnuts and new beers like Shock Top (which I recommend). I even branched out from minimal blog-lurking and random commenting on my sister-in-law's blog to writing and then starting my own adorable blogizzle. My fearless adventurer mentality has served me well. I even now own and wear skinny jeans, and I went from long to short hair. I mean, obvi I've been delving into new territory. New, bold, beautiful, and exciting. Who am I?? Uptown Girl. Thank you for asking.

coming to a crashing halt. stop... stop... STOP!

The one thing that I'm deathly afraid of is hair dye. serio??? I mean I tell myself all the logical logic there is: hair is an accessory. dye will not last forever. most women dye their hair and it ain't no thang. ain't no thang but a chicken wing. I'm 28, no fear. You are only young once. Not to mention- Claire Danes. I would've died to have dyed at the age of 13, 14, or 15 yrs old. I wanted to look exactly like Claire Danes on "My So-Called Life". It was k-i-l-l-i-n-g me that my mean mom wouldn't let me dye my hair! The rule was that at 18 yrs old I could dye my hair, get a tattoo, or more piercings. But. not. until. 18. 18. 18. I thought I was so deprived.

How was Jared Leto supposed to find me and fall in love with me unless I had maroon hair?? HOW?!

By the time I turned 18 I did get a piercing in my cartilage that lasted 6 months, but no hair dye, and the tattoo? Well, you will have to guess.

So, here I am. 28 years old. Grey hairs. Annoying obnoxious rood grey hairs that just drive me insane for about 5 minutes on the daily. I want them gone but I a scaredy cat about the process!

And, I asked you to give me your opinion. You voted. The results are in. And I'm a bit paralyzed.


Calling Petra now for an appt.


Busy Bee Lauren said...

I will probably have grays at mom did. Sigh...

Unknown said...

I've been dying my hair since freshmen year of sucks! But by all means-go for it :)

Liza said...

I totally rebelled against Mom's 18 years old rule.. i just went ahead and died it... Just OWN it.. i was scared about ur hair cut.. and look how well THAT turned out! :P I will be here to deep condition your hair when it starts breaking.

Uptown Girl said...

I made an appointment with Petra for next Friday afternoon (7/17)!!! Nervous but excited. My public has spoken and I AM DYING IT.

Anonymous said...

You're beautiful just the way you are.

Roses are
Because they were made that way.
Notice not
What others have, but are.
And sweetly
Pretty they live.