outey outey.
Heading to the great state of Georgia. Off to conquer the South like the Yankee I am.

Don't worry because I will try to post from Georgia. Really I'm gonna try to get my precious little Georgia Peaches (Helena and Mary) to post for me... so you can get the flava flave of those darling Southern accents and phrases. That's right, y'all.
My plan for a return post on Tuesday (yes I am planning ahead): I will collect all the little phrases, metaphors, and similes I hear while on vacay. And I will bring them back to you as a souvenir! I'm the best, I know. You don't have to thank me now. Thank me on Tuesday.
One phrase I happen to recall from *Adventures in Georgia: Trip 1-Izzle My Nizzle Lemon Drizzle* in March, 2003. Oh, those were the days... I remember them fondly.
I got off the plane, Helena picked me up at the postage-stamp-sized airport. We were both so excited and giggly. I asked her if she had to work while I was visiting, and if she could spend a lot of time with me. She replied:
"Girl, I'm gonna be stuck to you like white on rice!"
Translation: "No, I'm not working, you silly Yankee, and we'll get to spend a lot of time together... but I talk this way because I'm way cool... now let's go get some barbecue".
Ahhh... I know this is Uptown Blasphemy, but I think I was meant to be a Southerner. When I'm down yonder I even get into talking the way they talk, saying y'all, and trying to come up with weird sayings like this...
When I get off the plane tomorrow I plan on telling Helena:
"Girl, I'm so happy to be here, glad you don't hafta work this weekend cuz I'm gonna be stuck to you like gum in a little girl's curls!"
Translation: "So glad to be in Georgia with you and that you aren't working. I'm excited to spend time with you because you are the coolest. You are so so presh! And by the time Monday rolls around it'll be really rly hard to say goodbye so let's live it up! Let's party like the rockstars we are. Oh yeah, we have a costume party where we are dressing up as 80's rockstars, how should we do our hair? Do you have any banana clips?"

Will you miss me while I'm away? I know you will. Don't cry little one. I will treasure you in my heart for the next 5 days until we are re-united. I will eat peaches and barbecue in your honor. I will suffer thru the massive amounts of humidity wishing you could experience it with me. I will get a tan and laugh away 10 pounds knowing that you want the best for me. I will swim my little heart out and have a handstand contest in the pool. I will win that handstand contest for you. To make you proud. I will have a grand ole time.
Until we meet again.... peace out trout.
ROOOD!!!! leaving me for Georgia!?!?!? SeCURity!
I may just have to hide inside your suitcase! (bc i am that small - obvi)
I want to go to Georgia...I love peaches...and handstand contests in the pool. I rock at it and always beat the kids. :o)
Have fun! You will def be missed.
Have a fun pool game for you if you read this while you are down south. Instead of Marco Polo, my children like to scream "Brown Chicken, Brown Cow" Little do the precious dolls know they sound like cheezy porn music. I usually stop the antics when we are at the club but when at home, they are white trash all the way!
Have fun!
haha trout.
I'm thinking Liza should climb into your suitcase ASAP... Who cares about the extra $50 to bring her. It would be a blast!! Not so much? I guess we'll have to try next time!
Can't wait to see you Maria... and get ready for a great experience we have planned right away (tomorrow evening). I'll probably have to include it in my try at the blogizzle, cause its a potentially sharable experience for sure (if that makes any sense :/ )
Okay, so I have not checked you out in a while becuz I have been busy doing things like... well, secret things, things that one day I will reveal to you... but until then, lets just say I was biz okay?
You make me laugh-I louvre the hair-I do.
Hope you are having fun melting away in the heat! Drop by my parents house and tell them "hi" for me okay?
My mother will fix you a glass of wine straight out of the box and my father will ask you where you got your fab shoes while he sits and watches the Food Network for 18 hours out of the day with a sweater on because it is cold in their 98* house in Hotlanta.
Old people... who can figure them out?
Georgia ROCKS. Mos def.
June... your parents say hi.
I can't wait to hear all your secrets. Dishing the dirt is my best sport and I'm so ready.
I miss you here in blogland Mrs. Cleaver. I may go thru and read your old posts for inspiration. Need to be a good grasshopper.
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