Dear Sam Champion,
It is raining today. And quite chilly. I had to wear my pea coat and carry an umbrella. I forgot my rainboots at home. Lamespice. But, Sam, I am 80% ok with that because in exchange for crap weather today I have a special request...
If its not too much trouble, I'd like you to make sure it is nice and sunny all weekend. That means no rain from Friday afternoon until Monday morning. Rainy days and Mondays always get me down, and I really would like a kickin weekend.
I'd really appreciate it if you'd arrange some sunshine for me, Sammy.
<3 Uptown Girl <3
Talk about lamespice! I had to google Sam Champion. I don't get out much and apparently don't want much tv. I am superstar at wishing for sunny days so will send some your way!
ha ha love it. agreed. I want to tailgate outside this weekend!
I'd like some sun, too, and maybe temps above 65. It's been 40 or below here and rainy for days. Saturdays and Sundays should always be sunny and warm.
Anon: who are you? how mysterious...
my hopes are dashed, they are now saying the wknd will be a "nor'easter". rude.
but i do hope the sun shines in your states!
Sun is shining here, and the Urbans are soaking it up! Will try to FedEx some your way and share the love.
Urban Mom- I got the shipment this morning, thank you SO much! I rly appreciate you sending the sun my way!
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