Please brace yourself and try not to think less of me when you read this...
I am in need of boots. And a new purse. Shocking, I know.
I'd like some flat boots that hit mid-calf. Although I'd like them in a yummy reddish-brown color, it seems more practical for my everyday sophistication to instead seek and purchase black boots*. Leather. Do you ever go into Aldo's or some other shoe store that sells loads of leather boots and just go around smelling all that real leather? Neither do I. That would be weird.
As for the purse, I'd like something practical while still chic. The problem with my current collection is that my bags are either too big or too small, and those that are the right size are too heavy for my dainty frame even when empty (and i do tend to carry way too much crap in my purse regardless of size). Like Goldilocks, I'm looking for a bag that is just right. Right size, neutral color, convenient pockets, and impeccable style.
What I've researched via online shopping has been very promising. But I want to try on the boots before buying, and see the quality of both the boots and purse in real life. I just don't trust that the item will be as spectacular in person as it is in the airbrushed online photo. And my feet are a work of art. Original and in need of that perfect fit. I developed a new habit awhile back in which I do not buy shoes unless they fit well and are comfortable. It has drastically changed my shoe shopping and my closet.
I also do not buy a shoe or any accessory or piece of clothing unless I love it. When I'm in that dressing room admiring myself in some outfit I'm trying on in the 3-way mirror, I often remark "like-not-love". That determines whether or not I will make the purchase. I grew sick and tired of buying and then not wearing. Tired of seeing that item that I liked-not-loved when I tried it on and trying to find a time to wear it but instead growing frustrated with the waste of money, time, and space, and the growing dust on said item.
This brings me back to my oh-so-important point. I adore the boots you see below! I originally saw them on Say yes to Hoboken. They are Victoria's Secreat. And catalog/online ONLY. Is it worth the risk of ordering the boots and then having to send them back? I am not so great at that returning items in the mail part. They are beautiful though, even if I can't try them on, even if they are much higher on the leg than what I'm hoping to find. To buy or not to buy online? To risk or not to risk? That is the question. What is your opinion?

[these boots are so yummylicious! i swoon. i die.]
Please feel free to give me links and/or leads to any boots and/or purses that you think I will love. I plan on taking time out of my hectic schedule to smell a lot of leather shop this weekend and would really like a successful hunt.
*keep in mind that I wear a lot of black, never chocolate brown, and occasionally red-brown, tan, or beige.
My Advice:
step 1. go to
Step 2: Choose the tab that says shoes - then Boots
Step 3: Narrow the options on the left - so you can search in your price range, color etc. - then scroll over to your hearts content to plethora of options it will pull up for you - from various stores all across the web
Step 4: buy me a pair for helping you find the Google of shopping.
I love those boots, too. (Liz from 'Hoboken' is actually my old lacrosse coach. How crazy is that?) I wish I had some shopping advice for you. Sadly, I look around at stuff online, but then I never feel like shopping at actual stores. I'm in desperate need of a purse and boots, too. Let me know if you have find any great deals!
Liza- thank you for the link. I think I know you well enough by now to assume you aren't posting spam on my blogizzle?? hmmmm...
Amber- what a small world! I wonder how I found her blog anyway- maybe thru yours?? I will be happy to lead the way and will def tell u what I buy ;) Like it is my job.
Buy two sizes and keep one. I've only done that once, but it was a couple of days before our vacation in Belize and I didn't have time to fart around.
Purses? One day I will have a Coach bag. 'Cause my granddaughter wears Coach shoes and carries a Coach backpack. And she's 9 and it's not fair.
Maria.....I just bought fabulous flat boots on target for 30$ The silver gray are fab and they have black too. i cought cognac.
Good luck on the hunt!
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