Thursday, October 8, 2009

RED ALERT: for bearded men everywhere

There are painless, innovative new ways for men to shave their bodies
[aside: I intend this information to be used with discretion. As such, please read faces not actual bodies.]

*beard poll on the right. don't miss the opportunity to be fabulous vote for something that will never count for anything ever.*


anon said...

Hi Uptown,
Congrats on your 100 posts, and, hey, thats a great new avatar shot you're rockin', awesome smile!

rita said...

Love the new you! Don't care for beards. The biggest mistake of my adult life had a beard and he was an asshat. Although, now that I think about it, he'd have been an asshat without a beard.

Uptown Girl said...

Powder- thanks and welcome uptown! please come back and compliment me anytime...

Rita- He would've been an asshat without the beard, but perhaps a less stinky one?