You know how I said I was going to spend a little time in the spa on Saturday? Well, I did. And after my short run I swam a very few laps in the pool as I waited for a good hot tub soak. Soaking would commence as soon as the spa peeps were done chemically cleaning the hot tub for me.
Interestingly enough, it never came to that. And this is why... the very second that the hot tub was 'clean', it was filled with other guests and turned on for a full blast hot bubble fest. Here comes my insight. Ready? As I considered moving from pool to hot tub I realized something so deep and moving that I knew I would later share that thought with all of Blogland.
My insight: soaking in a full hot tub is like taking a bath with strangers - bathing in their filth. Eww. Sick.
Do you truly believe that they all showered off before getting in? No way. I know I didn't shower before getting into the pool since I couldn't figure out how to turn on the spa showers and assumed they were broken. They weren't broken and I later figured out the problem but that is a story for another day. The point is, I don't even want to imagine all the possible disgustingness swimming in there amongst the awkward conversation with random travellers.
This really only came to mind because I felt super awk about hopping into the hot tub when it was full of people I didn't know or care to meet. And, no, there weren't any cute guys in said spa that afternoon. Don't you think I would've mentioned that by now?
It was a disappointing experience all in all because my hot tub dream soak consisted of me, myself, and I. Alone in the hot tub. Not sitting amongst dirty strangers. And not missing my soak completely only to try the steam room instead and then figure out the ancient shower situation.
If I ever choose to knowingly enter a crowded hot tub, I will only do so if it is filled with my besties or immediate family. That or uber hunky contestants vying for my affection as love looks for me on next season of The Bachelorette. No exceptions. I vow this to you tonight, in front of the world wide web and Mr. Asus mini-PC.

Thoughts on having a jacuzzi installed in my apartment later this week?
hi there UG, so i did a search on hot tubs and bacteria and found this little gem of an article: Hot Tubs and Germs. So i agree on your choice. also more importantly, i'd like to ask: um, did you bring us Upper East Side-ites back any souveneirs from your lodging/skiing trip, i.e., syrup, t-shirts, refrigerator magnets, snow hats. - City John
My dream before meeting Dizzle was to be The Bachelorette. Actually, as I was (don't tell anyone) watching part of an episode of The Bachelor last night and the commercial asking for audition tapes for the Bachelorette came up the old fleeting impulse to get someone to sign me up came back. Then I remembered I'm happily taken. Woops! I swear this isn't a sign my relationship is bad. It's just...well who wouldn't want to have dozens of beautiful and successful men vying for my affection? Who, I ask you?
There are just NOT enough chemicals in the hot tub to make it worth it.
City John- no!! Sadly I didn't bring back any souveniers... I wanted to get you some syrup but instead of stopping at cute downtown shops my car sped off to head home. I shed a tear.
Kaela- I openly admit to watching every moment of the Bachelor so far this season and eating it up. And verbally ripping every girl to shreds. It's fun for me. I part dream of being Bachelorette and part cringe.
M-Cat- that's another thing I'm scared of, all the chemicals swimming over my body! (but not enough to kill the strager germs)
yes i have heard many a news about those annoying vermontean cars that just speed off by themselves all of a sudden with driver inside..but alas, i will have to resort to not eating delicious pancakes or yummy french toast until your next vermont visit...i too, shed a tear...
There's nothing better than a good soak in a hot tub! However, the only experience I have (or want) is in PRIVATE hot tubs! So, I vote for your installation.
After reading City John's linked article, I believe I should qualify: not just private, but home, well-maintained hot tubs! (Like the one you will install...)
so I totally agree with you. hot tubs = eww. can't bring myself to partake. Especially because Gabe's relative died from some disease he got in a hot tub. seriously.
anyways...hope you had a relaxing weekend otherwise! So jealous you got to skiing!!
UG, do you have a way to contact Urban Mom? Suddenly her blog has gone all password on me and I don't have her email address. I miss her!
oh rita you're right! I just facebook stalked U-Mom and sent her a message/plea to let us in!
Sorry about the password thing... all up and running again -- and feeling VERY much loved and giddy, thankyouverymuch! =-)
BTW, I once saw Madeleine Albright naked in a hot tub. True story. I still have bad dreams about it.
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