Happy Friday to me!
I could never be your wife. Please stop sending me the weekly roses.
I don't even like red roses as much as white, or pink, or peach. Obvi, if you knew me better you would know this. The problem is that you want to hop into a full-on relationship on the first date. Or group-date. It's not fair to me. Or to anyone.
Stop telling me to "open up" to you. Again, I barely know you and you are totally dating 5 other women. Why the heck would I tell you my deeper than deep and dark as night (night in Montana, not in NYC bc that isn't dark at all) secrets? And what pray tell are your secrets anyway? I haven't heard of you opening up to any of the other girls or skanks.
So that's it. I'm out. And for the record, maybe you should marry Vienna. She told you all her secrets and cried and also she thinks you are a hunk in flannel. Isn't that what you are looking for in a girl?
Best of luck in your search.
Sincerely but sans the x and the o,
Uptown Girl
ps- for a great re-cap of last night's episode click here.
Apparently you don't like taking quizzes... strange. don't you enjoy being judged??
I like quizzes so much that: I went to college for 6 years.
I like quizzes so much that: in school I thought a pop quiz was a surprise party.
I like quizzes so much that: I did the personality profile test on eHarmony for fun [aside: maybe I joined maybe I didn't. I like to remain mysterious.]
I like quizzes so much that: I've taken online tests to find out what flavor chapstick I resemble, what Jane Austen character I'd be, and how well I know the Goonies.
I like quizzes so much that: I will give you my answers to the below quiz.
1- I was 13 when I had my first real kiss, and Meatloaf was playing at a dance.
2- (D) Christmas decs from mid-December to early January
3- (C) I'm a little obsessed with Criminal Minds lately. It makes me sort of paranoid, but that Dr. Reed... yumm.
3- (B) A nice new bedframe would be just the thing. Also, did anyone notice that I have two #3s listed?
4- (B) This one is a toss-up, but I'd have to say English was the only subject I liked multiple years in a row.
5- (B) You know I love my Oldies. I can't believe you had to ask...
[Isn't this blinged out glittery cover to die for? B-A-N-A-N-A-S]
Feel free to keep me on task with these rezzies via reminders and NetBook suggestions and/or kindly introducing me to that swwonworthy fellow. Happy 2010 Blogizzle! Fo shizzle!